Did you know that our school could be missing out on £1,480 of funding per year for 6 years to help your child to succeed?
In April 2011 the government introduced Pupil Premium Funding. This is additional funding for publicly funded schools in England to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils of all abilities and to close the gaps between them and their peers.
Schools in Solihull are amongst the lowest funded in England, so think what a difference this funding might make to your child’s future: better resources, more staff to help in class, financial support for you towards trips and clubs, specialist training for staff, more catch- up groups, more support with key skills, mentoring…
We think there may be lots of families who could be eligible, but have not applied for a range of reasons. If you would like more information please click on the links above and also the School Meals page which has lots of information too.